
Wednesday, 29 January 2014

spring in Az

So, it is like spring here in AZ. As I am posting it is 74 degree and has been the last couple of days!

Yeah I know weeds are not really what you wanna see but it's all we got.

                                                  So this is our huge garage we are building right now!
When I say huge I mean huge, Bigger then the house huge!
I will be taking pictures of the horses soon!

Hannah <3


  1. Wow! 74 degrees!!!! Already?! Right now it's 35 out, and we have about 5 inches of snow, and it's still snowing. (We usually have way more snow, but this year was an awful year for snow.) And sometime this week, we're supposed to get down to 5 or 6 degrees. Brrrrrrr!!!! :-)

    -Sarah Fast

    1. I am loving the warmer temps!
      5 inches of snow?? oh that would be fun but also kinda annoying :-)

    2. Yeah, it is super fun!! It hasn't been too annoying...:-)

      ~Sarah Fast


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Hannah E C